As a teenager I hated the word exams, it immediately makes me worry and sweat! Do you ever feel like exams are never ending. Even if you studied all night long you still can’t understand that maths topic!. Online therapy in Ireland to help you cope with exams stress.

You are not alone, it is ok to sometimes to feel like this! Every person experiences these thoughts and emotions in the lead to up to an important exam. Research has shown nearly a tenth of 15-16 year olds literally feel sick at the prospect of a test. It can be tough to cope with but with the right support and techniques things can get better! 

Here are 5 Top Tips to relieve Exam Stress and Anxiety

  • Good Self Care- The most important tip is to take care of yourself eat well , stay active, spend time with your friends and family. Finally try your best to get good sleep.I know during exam season, people tend to stay up all night and cram information however if you want to remain calm and remember all of the information you have studied your body needs time to rest.
  • Ask for Help- Your family, teachers and friends are always there to support you and to listen and help encourage you. They only want the best for you and see you do well. Talking to your friends and teachers is beneficial because they may or have gone through it before they can offer advice and resources to help you.
  • Take Breaks-It is really important to take breaks when studying; the human brain typically can only concentrate for 25 mins at a time. So I recommend working in 30 mins blocks with a reward of 5 mins break. Check out the pomodoro techniqueto help you do this. This may not work for everyone because everyone’s brain works in different ways, whatever works for you!
  • Exercise/Mindfullnes- Sport really improved the way I approached study because when I came back after a training session my body was relaxed. I was ready to start studying again, feeling fresh and motivated. I understand that Sports/Music is not for everyone so I  recommend mediation apps such as Headspace And Calm or yoga (https://m.facebook.com/YogaShackJulianstown/)Or sound bath medication at Anam Cara Therapy near me.
  • Staying Organised It is important as a student to have notes- (flash cards, mind maps display folders) try to be organised and  ready to make your study productive. Another thing that really improved my study was having a timetable of what you intend to study each day leading up to exams. This makes you feel more prepared for each topic in your exam and therefore less stressed.

Just remember you can only do your best!

Article written by Kate Calnan. Reviewed by Mary “Em” Ryan